On the road on the Europaradweg R1:
A lively time travel through European cultural history

Go on a lively time travel through European cultural history, from Münsterland to the World Heritage region of Anhalt-Dessau-Wittenberg to the Oderbruch! In the "cultural stories", cyclable as 2 - 3 day tours, you experience the diversity of the regions with their impressive natural and cultural highlights that make European history tangible.


Aktuelles am Europaradweg R1

Bloggerreise auf dem R1-Podcast

Podcast zum Europaradweg R1

Johanna und Juliane über Bauhaus, Barockschlösser & Baumkronenpfad...
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Bachstadt Köthen

Bikepacking mit Radelmädchen

Ein Reisebericht von Köthen nach Beelitz-Heilstätten…
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Experience cultural history along the R1 European Cycle Route